30 Jun 2024, Sunday

 30 Jun 2024, Sunday

Prioritized Daily Task 

10:00 am -    Unit 2.  Block A.  GALWAY H91 DW63, Ireland

Burren Drive to Killarney 

Stay at Killarney Heights Hotel with breakfast and parking-Expedia itinerary # 72839429149829-check in 3:00-check out noon

Cork Road, Killarney, Kerry, V93 XKR4 Ireland

Note: phone number for Enterprise Roadside Assistance in Ireland (1)844-5848.

copy of letter to - Bishop Mehan, Finglas Ward Dublin Stake

My name is James Leonard McAlpin.  I was in Dublin 11 years ago and met a Sister Catherine Lamb at the Glasnevin Building who is a convert and understood much about the Early Irish Law, Brecon Law, and was very helpful.  I think she worked in the Family History Center.

I need her or someone else’s help.  I do not expect them to donate their time and will pay them.  I need a copy of a deed at Register of Deed Office on Henrietta Street.  The deed transfers from Robert McColpin (the name today is McAlpin) and his wife Janet to a person named, McKell.  The deed is for property on Mill Street that backs up to Mill Creek in Belfast and is dated about 1728.  The property is next door to a tannery owned by John McAlpin.  I assume John and Robert were brothers.  I think the father’s name may have been John.  

If possible I hope to find some primary information to tie my 4th g grandfather, Alexander (McColpin) McAlpin, to his parents whom I am now only assuming is Robert and Janet.

8 Mar 2023

Dec. 10, 2009 I went to Dublin, Ireland.  I stayed at the Maldron Hotel, it is now the Clayton Hotel Cardiff Lane.  I stayed in room 406.  The hotel was located on Said Ui Maricin Road (R813) across the Liffy River from the Convention Centre.   I got acquainted with Jimmy Carrol one of the owners.  He sold the land for the hotel and the company who purchased it provided Jimmy a penthouse with his own private elevator.  His main home is a farm in Delgany about 25 miles from Dublin.  His wife's name is Miriam and they have 7 children.  I did some genealogy research while I was here.   I went to several locations and found something very interesting in the Register of Deed Office on Henrietta St, Dublin.  Looking through their rolls of index film I found Robert (McColpin) McAlpin and wife, Janet, selling land to McKell on December 2, 1728.  The property was located just outside the city gate of Belfast on Mill Street.  The property backed up to Mill Creek and was next to a tannery John (McColpin) McAlpin owned.  I think John and Robert were brothers and the tannery was first owned by their father, John McColpin.  At this time I do not have a primary source connecting Robert and Janet McAlpin connecting them to my 4th g grandfather, Alexander McAlpin.   I attended Church on Sunday.  There are two ward buildings in Dublin, the stake center in Glasnevin and the other Finglas Ward.  I attended the nearest in Glasnevin.  The bishop's name was Bishop Green.  He is a native Irish. I also talked or met Sister Burk who works in the mission office and is from Boise, Idaho, Elder and Sister Burten were from Island Park, ID.  The sister that was the most interesting was Sister Catherine Lamb.  She was the ward genealogist and worked at the Stake Family History Center.  She and her husband are converts from the Catholic faith.  He drives a bus and were married in the temple and have 3 children.  I told her about my problem connecting Alexander McAlpin who came to America from Ireland.  I do not know who his parents were.  I found a Robert McAlpin (McColpin) living in Belfast with his wife Janet.  She asked me if I knew the names and birth order of Alexander McAlpin's children.  I shared with her that Alexander's oldest son was Robert and he had 4 daughters, Janet, Elizabeth Barbary, Sarah Mary and Sarah Temple McColpin.   The youngest son, William Alexander McColpin, who was my 3rd g grandfather.  Robert Alexander McAlpin, my grandfather, was the oldest son of Thomas Jefferson McAlpin.  Sister Lamb told me about an early Irish Law called Brecon Law.  It was never written down but was binding as if it were chiseled in stone.  A man would name his first son after his father and his daughter after his mother.   Even if his father was not honorable and a disgrace, he would still name his son after him but he may take his wife's family name and he and his son be known by his wife's family name from then on.   


I don’t think this record has yet been copied by the church.   Any information you can find on this family that would help me to connect to my 5 g ancestor, Alexander McAlpin, whose oldest son was named Robert and one of his daughters was named Janet, to Robert and Janet McColpin (if they are actually parents) will be appreciated.  

Thank you, 

James Leonard McAlpin

My email is lenmcalpin@gmail.com  (Leonard, Elain, Nancy, Mary, Catherine, Apple, Leo, Paul, Invest, Nancy @ gmail.com)

Alexander McAlpin was in South Carolina in the 1750s.  He died in the 1790s in Georgia. 

Respectfully your,

James L. McAlpin. 

Debbie and I we up early, had prayer, we had breakfast, packed the car, and drove trying to find the Galway Branch of the Church.  We thought we had plenty of time but the address we got was not correct.  We went online and got another address, 6A Liosvbon Business Park, Tuam Road, Galway H91NC86, Ireland,  a few miles away.  When we arrived the sacrament had already been administered and a youth speaker and Brother Andrew Kelly, stake high-councilman was speaking.  The Dublin Stake President, Mark Coffee, was the concluding speaker.   Dublin had a district in part of the mission. and a stake in Dublin.  Now the district has been added or incorporated into the Dublin Stake.  He lives in Dublin but grew up on this side of Dublin.  His parents were converts.  There was a couple, Dan and Claudia Muham, also visiting today from Sugar City,  Idaho.  They live in the same ward as the Miasuakis.  I knew Tommy and his family when I was a missionary in 1969.  Tommy was blind from World War II.  His son Kevin lives in the brick home Tommy built when his family was young.  We were invited to stay for lunch, the sisters brought food today because the Stake President was visiting and they wanted to honor him.  We met so many nice people; Brother Brian Malooney and young priest, Arbi O'Sullivan took us in an empty room and blessed and passed the sacrament to us between the sacrament meeting and a joint priesthood and relief society meeting.  We met a young return sister missionary who served in the north of France, Esther Ikengboju.  She and her mother joined the church about 6 years ago when she was 16.  The sister missionaries and the couple who taught them have stayed close to her.  She may be attending college in Provo.  After church, we drove to The Height Hotel in Killarney in the County of Kerry stopping in Adare town park in County Limerick, and took some pictures.  On the way to Killarney, we got a slow leak in the rental car tire.  I stopped at a gas station and added air to all the tires but the warning light did not go off.  I called Enterprise emergency roadside service but could not get help.  The number I called was for America.  The number they gave me for Ireland did not work.  I got Roxy, the receptionist at Heights Hotel's front desk, to call and she was able to contact the Enterprise at the Dublin airport.  They are sent a serviceman at 10 pm who changed the left front tire and celebrated the air pressure on all the tires at 35 psi.  When I got back to the room, I had prayer with Debbie before going to bed.

                                            Sacrament and church at Galaway Branch building 

                                                    Arbi O'Sullivan.             Brian Malooney 

                                           Lunch provided by the sisters of the Galaway Branch
Branch member at church today

           Andrew Kelly, stake high-councilman and former Branch President of the Galaway Branch

                                                        Mark Coffee, Dublin Stake President 

                           Esther Ikengboju, served mission in Northern France

                             Grandpa McAlpin in Adare town park in County Limerick


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