23 Jul 2024, Tuesday

 23 Jul 2024, Tuesday

Prioritized Daily Task 

call Portia at Humana 800-4574708 July 12 -  (Brad Gale P.A. July 15) I called at 12:30 pm and spoke with Ashley; she is going to have Portina call me back.

9:30 am - Orem Temple, Emma and Garrett's marriage and sealing (Shelby watching the children until we get home) Shelby is sick and cannot watch the children.  Carter watched them in the morning after we left until Lora gets here.

1:00 pm - Luncheon

6 - 8 pm - Reception 

Jack came and got in bed with Debbie and me sometime early this morning saying he could not sleep.  Debbie was up before me, showered, and got ready for the day.  I got up after 7 am and had prayer.  When Debbie was ready for the day we had prayer together in the sunroom so as not to wake any of the children.  I showered and got ready for the day while Debbie cooked crepes breakfast for the children.  I tried to call Portia; I learned today, her name is Pordia.  She was sent a message to give me a call before 1:00 pm.  I was told she will call me.  Carter is going to watch the boys while Debbie and I attend Emmi and Garett's wedding and sealing at the Orem Temple this morning.  Tate is picking Max and Jack up and Laura is coming by later and taking Carter, Mckay, and Andrew over to her house until we get back.  Debbie and I attended the wedding and sealing in the Orem Temple at 9:30 am.  After the wedding and sealing, we went outside the temple and took pictures.   At 1 pm we went to a luncheon and visited.  Afterwards we drove to the Fed-Ex store and I mailed Matthew's computer and charger to him for Bella.  Debbie went in the grocery store at Wal-Mart while I waited in the car and talked to Sduart at Humana at 2:30 pm.  I never heard from Portia/Pordia.   He listened to my challenge with the hernia surgery I had the 22 Aug 2018 with Dr. Cavin and Dr. Reese who was supposed to have done the hernia surgery.   I told him about the three-way conservation with Dr. Cavin's nurse and Pordia that Pordia set up and I was invited to.  Dr. Cavin's nurse said the surgery was for the groin and not the navel hernia.  I disagreed but she insisted because she was reading from the records.  I told Sduart I went to see my doctor and he saw a scar above the navel but could not confirm it was from hernia surgery.  I sent. him several pictures of my stomach three of them with tape bandages in my stomach area not in the groin.  I told Sduart that Dr. Cavin or Dr. Reese should do the surgery again without charging me or Medicare/Humana.  I think they were in a rush because Dr. Reese could not be there and had Dr. Cavin come from another hospital to do the surgery.  If Dr. Cavin or Dr. Reese do the surgery without charging again I will proceed with them but if not I will have doctors my family knows in California to do the surgery.  I told Sduart I do not want this to be swept under the rug and forgotten.  He gave me the Humana case number 1000-479-673-213.  When we got home I texted Matthew a copy of the receipt and Fex-Ex tracking number for Bella's computer.  It should be there on Thursday, the 25th.  Debbie is going back to the Wild Oaks in Lindon and meeting Laua and Samantha for Emmi and Garrett's wedding reception.  Before 8:30 pm Debbie came home and got all the clothes of Carter, Mckay, and Andrew.  She had talked to Anndalyn and the boys want to stay there and play with Braddock and Ocie.  She took their clothes, chargers, etc. to them.  When she got home we studied scriptures, Debbie cooked for tomorrow, and had prayer before going to bed.  Laura got her mother 2 boxes of Acini di Pepe.  Debbie had gone to 3 different grocery stores and all were out. 


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