24 Jul 2024, Wednesday

 24 Jul 2024, Wednesday

Prioritized Daily Task              

Alex Gourley 20th Birthday

Calendar with Debbie 

Ear, Eye, Teeth, appointments with doctors and dentist

11 am - BOQ at Pat and Anndalyn's pool party

5:00 pm - Ancestral DNA, don't forget about our biweekly “office hours” over Zoom. You'll see what we're working on and can make suggestions, ask questions, and get help with your projects. Our next office hours are on July 24 at 4 PM Pacific Time. You can join at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89819183604.

Note: I want to be like Nephi as I write in my journal, he writes the things that please God.   I Ne 6:5

Mormon noted Alma's counsel to his son Helaman in Alma chapter 63, keep sacred things sacred.  I try to do this; as an example, when giving a blessing.  I take the time to put on a white shirt and tie and try and get spiritually prepared.

Debbie and I had prayer, reviewed our calendar, and worked on setting up appointments with doctors.   Eyecare Of Lehi, Opens 8 AM - 75 W State St Suite B · (801) 768-4100. - Miracle-Ear 179 N 12000 E, Lehi, UT                Phone  801-948-8535.  The offices were all closed today, July 24th is pioneer holiday.  We showered, Debbie got the food ready for today; Shelby came by and helped us load the Tesla.  She followed us over to Pat and Anndalyn's.  Shelby and Libby, her sister, have dates and are going water skiing this afternoon.  When we arrived at Pat and Anndalyn's, the children were all in the swimming pool in the backyard.  George, Laura, and the children were already here.  Jared, Jami, and the boys came a little later.  Pat is in his office working today.  When he got a break, he would come out and visit.  There is a poured concrete wall holding the hill behind the hill back.  It is about 10 feet tall.  The children jump off the wall and into the pool.  The small children were terrified to jump at first but after the first jump, their confidence increased and they would not stop.  They had a twenty-foot air mat they sprayed water on and used it as a slide into the pool and backyard lawn.  Anndalyn's brother's wife and children are staying here visiting with Pat, Anndalyn, their children, and Grandma Lyndan.  I came in to read and study the Book of Mormon when it got up to 104 degrees outside.  At 5:45 pm I joined an Ancestral File Zoom meeting.   Debbie got Max, Jack, Carter, Mckay, and Andrew to get their things together and we drove home.  Beth called today after a job interview at a private school about 20 minutes from her home.  She said the interview went well but the pay is not good.  She has to decide if she will accept the job if they call her.  When we got home Debbie fed the boys and she started washing clothes and towels.  Later she took Max and Jack home.  We had family prayer with Carter, Mckay, and Drew.  They played video games on the TV upstairs.   Debbie and I studied scriptures and had prayer.  I got to bed about 9:30 pm.


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