25 Jul 2024, Thursday

 25 Jul 2024, Thursday

Prioritized Daily Task 

5 am - Legacy center, Yoga class

1 pm - drop Carter, Mckay, and Drew off at Randy's and he will bring the children home until the 27th, Saturday afternoon, and watch the boys and Abbey too when she gets home today, on Thursday.

SSA - https://www.ssa.gov/marketing/assets/materials/EN-05-10539.pdf

Appointment - Costco SS Supplementary Insurance.  With Humana do I have Medicare Advantage?  Can I have surgery in CA when I live in UT?

S.S Office Why do doctors not like Medicare Advantage plans?

In some cases, your doctor may not agree with your insurance provider's decision to approve a less expensive treatment before paying for a more expensive one that your doctor may recommend. Providers in Medicare Advantage networks may also have to take time away from patients to spend it on pre-authorization paperwork. Oct 12, 2023

What are the advantages of Original Medicare?

What are the disadvantages of Original Medicare?  

Part A, also known as Hospital Insurance, covers inpatient care in hospitals, critical access hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities. It also covers hospice care, some home health care, and inpatient rehabilitation. However, Part A does not cover outpatient surgery.

Part B,  Doctor visits, Preventive care, Some home health services, Some laboratory tests, Some medications, Some medical equipment, and Expensive outpatient surgeries

Part C, 1. Vision care, including glasses and contacts 2. Hearing care, including testing and hearing aids 3. Dental care, including routine care, X-rays, exams, and dentures

Part D, helps cover the cost of prescription drugs for people with Medicare

Wash blue dress paints in cold water, tumble dry, and iron if necessary

Note:  We all have strengths and weaknesses, just as every coin has a head and a tail and a virtue taken to the extreme will become a vice.  I enjoyed Jared Halverson's take on the in Alma 38. part 3, (about 20 minutes of the lesson at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxAgBqdukOg

The 3 most abominable sins are immorality (sexual sin), murder (the shedding of innocent  blood), and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (denying the Holy Ghost, denying the Holy Ghost when you know that you are lying, it would be like looking into the sun at mid-day and saying it does not exist.)

I was up at 4:15 am, had prayer, and went to the Legacy Center for a Yoga Class at 5 am.  When I got home I studied scriptures and wrote in my journal.  Mckay and Drew woke and watched cartoons on TV in the family room.  When Debbie got up we had prayer together and she cooked breakfast.  The children ate cereal and Debbie and I had eggs, toast, and avocado.  I called and talked to Roy Bryant, my cousin, in Anniston, AL. Debbie made an appointment to have our eyes checked on August 9th, at Eye Care of Lehi, 75 W State St Suite B.  I called about our supplemental Social Security Humana insurance.  We have Part C with extras.  With an original medicare plan, there is an out-of-pocket cost for the deductibles. Debbie made an ear appointment for us at Miracle-Ear on Aug. 8th at 10:15 am. 179 N. 2200 E. #103 Lehi.  I made an appointment for us on Monday, 23rd of September to get our teeth cleaned at Thanksgiving Point Dental by Jani.  Debbie took the boys to Randy Hobbs'.  He will take them to Wellsville when Ryan and Stephanie get home.  Shelby and Libby came over and brought sandwiches for Debbie and me.  Debbie is hemming their dresses for their friends' wedding they are going to this weekend.  I ordered parts to repair the upper and lower drawers on the upper and lower drawers on the Kenmore Dishwasher.  The parts for the lower is supposed to come tomorrow and the parts for the upper drawer should be here between August 2nd and 7th.  Clara, Allison, Ellie, and Ocie are spending the night.  Debbie took them to pick up some fast food for dinner.  We turned the projector on for the big screen downstairs.  Debbie got a movie on for the girls  I studied scriptures, watched TV, and studied scriptures.  Debbie and I had prayer while the girls watched a movie on TV.  I went to bed but Debbie stayed up until about 1 am when Shelby and Libby got in with their two friends.  I got to bed a little before midnight. 


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