25 Aug 2024, Sunday

 25 Aug 2024, Sunday

Prioritized Daily Task 

Blake Brown's 37th Birthday

9:00 am - Lehi 7th Ward Sacrament meeting

10:30 am - Abbington Memory Center

Debbie did not get to sleep until about 1:30 am this morning.  I was up at 7 am, had prayer, showered, shaved, and got ready for church.  Debbe got up before I left to set up the chairs in our ward building, overflow, Priesthood, Primary, and Relief Society rooms.  The visiting high councilman and another brother visiting our ward today helped me set up chairs until the counselor in the stake presidency arrived.  Members of the Elder's Quorum and their wives arrived and I was finished sooner than usual.  I drove home and picked Debbie up.  We attended sacrament meeting and I got some of the notes from Brother Bentley who spoke from his talk today about Dr. Edith Egar, a survivor of Auschwitz.  Debbie and I worked with Point Meadows 2nd Ward in providing church services to the residents at Abbinton Memory Center.  After church, we came home.  Jody and Libby were up and going.  Libby was giving Tylee, who had come by, a faceful.  They went home, and Debbie made brunch, cream of wheat, and toast.  The adhesive material that Jose and his crew used that I gave them to hold the lighting on the eves of the house is not holding.  I tried calling all the children.  Beth called me back and I talked to Tucker, Maggie, and Andrew.  I sent Blake a happy birthday text.  We read and studied today, We had a nice meal, and later I called as many of the children as I could reach.  Debbie and I had prayer before going to bed.

Note:  Dr. Edith Eger a clinical psychologist and survivor of Auschwitz. said conventional wisdom says that if something bothers you or causes you anxiety, then just ignore it, don't dwell on it, don't go there.  We run from past trauma or hardship, or from current discomfort or conflict.... When they are forced out, these traumas become their own prison.                       The most common diagnosis among the people I treat is not depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, although these conditions are all too common.  The most common disorder I have treated is hunger.  We are hungry for approval, attention, and affection.  We are hungry for the freedom to embrace life and to really know and be ourselves.

Scientists have come up with things like principles of uncertainty and dark holes.  They want answers, facts, something they can see, hear, feel, and touch and because they can't always have this, they live inside imagined hypotheses and theories.  They reject faith, while the Lord has said if you have faith and continue in my word you shall know the truth, you will have closure, resolution, and clarity, and will be made free.


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