28 Aug 2024, Wednesday

 28 Aug 2024, Wednesday

Prioritized Daily Task 

Ljubica Jelicic's Birthday

10:15 am - Debbie's wellness check, Brad Gale, Family Practice

12 Noon - Lunch with Gavin at Zupus in American Fork

Scan and email a copy of my will, family trust, advanced health care directive, and Durable power of attorney to the attorney we met with yesterday

I have been told I should avoid sit-ups and other core exercises if I have a hernia because they can put too much pressure on my abdomen and worsen my condition. 

Debbie and I were up and had prayer,  I sent Norman Peat, attorney, scanned copies of the information of mine we went over with Debbie yesterday.  Debbie got the time wrong for her appointment with Brad Gale and reset it for Sep. 25th at 10:30.  I rode with Gavin up to the cabin in Timber Lakes.  Gavin needed to get a sticker to enter the gate when security is not there at night or early in the morning.  We checked the work Josa and his crew had done and are doing.  I took some pictures and sent to Matthew.  Later after we had left and read my text message he wanted me and Gavin to put blue maskingtake on the places that still need work done.  I did not get his text until before I was going to bed.  Debbie got back before Gavin left to spend some time with his friend in Provo.  Debbie and I had dinner and watched a high school football movie on TV.  Jody got back after she and Libby cleaned Shelby's apartment she will be moving into tomorrow.  Shelby had to work and could not help them.  I helped Jody load Shelby things she had stored in our garage from her last move out of the apartment she was staying in last semester or quarter. Debbie and I had prayer and went to bed at about 10:45 pm.   Gavin did not get home until later.


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