15 Sep 2024, Sunday

 15 Sep 2024, Sunday

Prioritized Daily Task

Watch. Pat and Anndalyn's children

Gauses are in charge of church services at Abbington Memory Center today

8:00 AM - Skype with Mirco and Ljubica

9:00 AM - attend church with the children in their ward Bluffdale 4th

4:30 PM - Lora and George's for Libby Traveler's farewell party to Uganda Africa for 3 months to teach English (Emile and many of the family came)

Debbie and I were up before 7 AM.  I had my personal prayer, showered, and shaved.  Debbie cooked breakfast for the children.  We had prayer together and Debbie got ready for church.  We got a text message from Ljubica Jelicic in Serbia and we Skiped with them on Debbie's computer.  The new mission president has organized the Novi Sad Branch with a young Roma as the Branch President.  They have about 4 Roma and 6 other members.  We encouraged Mirko and Ljubica to continue loving and helping all they can.  Their daughter, Bojana, is traveling an working outside of Serbia.  At 9 AM we all went to church, Bluffdale 4th Ward, together, Camdon drove the van.   The bishop conducted the sacrament and the Stake President who was visiting, presided.  There were well over 200 people attending today.  A young man who has been called to one of the missions in Brazil and a young man returning from his mission in New Zealand spoke in Sacrament.  Afterwards, we attended Sunday school.  When church was over we came home.  Braddock got tired of waiting for Camdon so he walked home and got there before us.  We changed clothes and Debbie fixed lunch for everyone. Ellie is at Clara Gourley's.  We took the other children and drove over at 4:30 PM.  Jon and Kari Traveller brought Emlie.  Many of the Traeller came to the family party to see Libby off.  Jody and Tony sponsored the party and Lora and George hosted it at their home.  I took a picture of Libby, Emlie, Jon, and Tyler.  We did not get home until about 9 PM.  Debbie had a lesson in 3 Nephi about the prophet Samuel prophesying of the coming of Christ to the Americas.  We had family prayer, and Debbie had the boys wash and dry their football clothes for this week.  Debbie stayed up and cleaned the kitchen and family room.  I helped her some and we had prayer together before going to bed.


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