7 Sep 2024, Saturday

 7 Sep 2024, Saturday

Prioritized Daily Task

Swan Valley with Ryan and Karlene

Gateway evening session of Stake Conference

2:00 PM - Jeff Schrade's 65th Birthday Party,161 Fairway Cir, Pocatello at Anita, his mother's home

7:00 AM - Eastern Idaho State Fair, Tortatoes twisted potatoes with garlic and parmesan cheese with limeade 

Debbie purchased a VBX Wellness machine, a vibrating platform for circulation, strength, pain relief, and flexibility at the fair.   The vibrating machine will be shipped next week.  It has handles to hold on to, it is stronger, heavier, and more safe than mine at home. Lisa, the salesperson, gave Debbie her personal phone number 608-385-0459.  The company phone number is 952-884-0326.   www.vbxwellness.con. sale price $3,600 includes shipping

Note: Anita, Debbie's Aunt, her oldest son Jeff Schrade's 65th birthday party in Pocatello at Anita and Bill's home (Lois a sister, John a brother, and Chris a brother were there. Jeff's son whom we met when were on our mission and he was working for an NGO showed us around the refugee camp where he worked.  Today he was working and not able to come)

Debbie was up early.  She and Karlene went for a walk along the Snake River as the sun was coming up.  I got up at about 7 AM.  I had prayer, read and studied scriptures.  When Karlene and Debbie got back Debbie cooked pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  Later about 11 AM, I ate part of a plate of pancakes, and bacon, and had some chips with crunchy peanut butter. Debbie had put back for me.  She took a nap.  I called and talked to Matthew.  He was over a virus that was in his chest but Ava has it now.  About 1 PM we got ready, Reed, came over and. I drove Karlene, Reed, and Debbie down to their Aunt Anita Schrade's.  Her husband Bill has been dead for several years.  Anita planned a 65th birthday for her son Jeff who works for the government in Washington.  He told us stories about his work as a news correspondent to a group of US Senators, Representatives, and military when visiting small and large veterans graves, some in out-of-the-way places in Africa and other large and famous sites.  All were maintained very well.  Jeff and his wife are no longer married.  His son could not get off from work to come.  Debbie and I met him when we were on our mission in Serbia.  Jeff's brothers and sister with many of his nieces and nephews came.   I enjoyed visiting with everyone in Provo, near the new temple, and the back of Anita's home is on a fairway of a golf course.  Reed's family is coming into town for his 70th birthday party tomorrow and we took him back.  Karlene has 2 tickets to the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot.  Debbie went online got another ticket and printed it.  I drove down to the fair and found a parking lot near the fair.  The fair was large and lots of men,  women, and children were here.   I had heard about the Tortatoes, an Idaho potato peeled and cut or carved in thin circular slices, then deep-fried.  They were thin and crispy with garlic and melted parmesan cheese poured over them.  I got two extra paper baskets and shared them with Debbie and Karlene, as well as a couple of limeades.  I did not think to take a picture of the full basket when it was full.  Karlene had a ticket for a free steak burger.  The owner was there and a friend of hers and Joe L's.  We split the burger 3-ways.  We got a couple of ice creams for desserts.  Debbie and Karlene shared one that I did not care for so I got my own.  We went through the quilts, photos, pictures, animals, and other exhibits and I took a few pictures.  On the way home I stopped and filled the Subaru with gas.  Karlene has an assignment to visit a couple of protestant churches to solicit their help in a service project in Shelly.  Debbie and I had prayer before going to bed about midnight.


                                                              Jeff Schrade's 65th Birthday


Scottish Highland Cow

Chianina Oxen from Italy, 7 ft. tall and weighs from 2,000 to 3,000 lbs.

Goats with four horns are called polycerate, which means they have more than two horns. Polycerate goats are genetically rare and can have up to eight horns. The Austrian Vierhornziege breed is the norm for goats with four horns. 

Debbie and Karlene at Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot


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