8 Sep 2024, Sunday

 8 Sep 2024, Sunday

Prioritized Daily Task

10 AM - Gateway Stake Conference

10:30 AM - Church in Shelly Idaho

1:30 PM - Reed Searle's 70th Birthday Party

I was up at 7 AM and had prayer.  Debbie got up a little little later and we had prayer together.  Karlene is still sleeping so we waited to shower so we would not wake her.   Karlene went to see the individuals she was assigned to meet with at the two Protestant churches about joining in a service project.  She gave them the information but they were not excited about joining with us in a service project.  Debbie and I ate a lite breakfast.  When she got home we all went to church.  Katie, Bracken, and the children sat with us.  The chapel, and cultural hall were full with some setting on the stage.  I think there were as many in the sacrament meeting as we had at some of the stake conferences I attended in Georgia.  A young man, Elder Christian, was returning from his mission back East.  One of the states in his mission was Maine.  After sacrament, I went to Priesthood and the girl went to Relief Society.  When church ended we came home, changed clothes and Debbie and Karlene got the food ready to take to Reed's birthday party across the street and Snake River and below the bridge from where Joe L and Karlene live.  There was a good turnout despite the fact Reed and most of his boys will start harvesting potatoes at 7 PM tonight and not stop until about 10 AM tomorrow morning.  After the party, we came home and Debbie and I helped Karlene hang lights around her pumpkin patch at the edge of Reed's potato field.  Reed is using large tractors and diggers to dig up the potatoes and put them in rows for the truck to pick up and take to the potato cellars and truck to haul to the potato processing plants.  Karlene hopes the tractor and truck drivers will see her lights and go around the pumpkin patch.  There are a few gords mixed in with the pumpkins.  They were not planted but are volunteers that came up from punkins and gords that were thrown away last year.  Debbie and I took the food we had brought back from the party and divided it up between Karlene and Reed's families.  When we took the food we had to Reed's, he was working but his wife, Loura, had food for us and Karlene.  Debbie and Laura wanted to talk so I went to the car.  I learned later Reed's family wants to but Debbie and Karlene's interest in the potato farm.  I can understand their interest in buying and I can understand his sisters interest in not selling.  I have a somewhat similar situation with my partner's widows with the nursing homes in Rome and Cleveland, Georgia.  I called the children earlier today and left messages.  Beth and Matthew called me back.  I FaceTimed with Isabella.  I studied scriptures and had prayer with Debbie before going. to bed.

                                   Reed Searle's 70th Birthday Party at a park on the Snake River


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