1 Oct 2024, Tuesday

 1 Oct 2024, Tuesday

Prioritized Daily Task

Hang pictures to stay up in the hall downstairs, 1 1/4 inch nails

9:00 AM - appointment Eye Care Center of Lehi

4:40 PM - Debbie drops Brett Hobbs off at SLC Airport to catch his flight to Clovis, CA

Call Nora "Tibler" Husley - born 3 Mar 1937 (twin Sister Flora "Bigler")  Memorial Day Bethel Church, Smithville, AL on Mother's Day             Pleasant Hill Church, 2nd Sunday in August

I was up at 7 AM, had prayer, showered, shaved, and called Debbie.  We had prayer; Brett is picking her up and they are coming back, Bretrt to catch a flight home and Debbie here.  Matthew went to his meeting this business this morning.  I went Eye Care Clinic and saw Graceon and Dr. Collin Gray O.D.  Graceon, a young assistant; she checked the pressure on my eyes, my right eye was 9 and my left eye was 14.  I was told by Dr. Gray that my eyes are looking well but wants me to come back on Tuesday, 22nd of Oct.  I got home and called and checked on Nora Husley.  She will be 88 on March 3, 2025.  Matthew got back home from his meeting and we cleaned the drain to the tub downstairs.  The grandchildren were filling balloons, one burst and it went down the drain.  The balloon with the girls long hair had just about stopped up the drain.  When we got it out we put the rest of a container of Drain Plumber in the drain and let it set for an hour or so before flushing it down the drain with hot watter.  I studied scriptures and worked on my journal.  Matthew went to see his college friend, Grant.  Debbie and I watched some documentaries on the History Channel.  We had prayer together before going to bed.


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