10 Oct 2024, Thursday

 10 Oct 2024, Thursday

Prioritized Daily Task

6:00 AM - Dr. Reese Davis, hernia Surgery

Call 801-768-1699 Dr.Clint Mower for X-ray report on knee

My alarm woke me at 4:00 AM.  I had prayer, showered, and started getting ready.  Debbie woke at 4:30 AM and we had prayer. I did not eat anything this morning and Debbie rode with me up to Lone Peak Surgery Center, 96 Kimballs Ln Suite 100, Draper, UT 84020 at 6:00 AM.  I signed in and Debbie signed in as the person driving me home.   We both received instructions and I was checked in.  Debbie left to go to her weight training class at 7 AM.  The anesthetist came in and put some pain medicine in the port a nurse put in earlier.  I was rolled down to the operating room and was not aware of anything until I the surgery was over.  I did not recall or know the surgery was over except for a dull pain in my stomach area.  Debbie came in and I got dressed.  The nurse brought a wheelchair in and gave me a ride to my car where Debbie picked me up and we came home.  I spent the day in bed reading, watching TV, and sleeping.  Debbie made chicken noodle soup for didnner and I had some banana nut bread Debbie made the other day when Shelby and Bradley were here.  Later Jared came over to blow off the patio in the back and got the Halloween decorations down from the shelves in the garage.  Debbie and I had prayer together.  There is not much of any schedule for me this evening and night.  I read, slept, watched TV, and slept.  I have been in bed since I came home from surgery at about noon today.  

Note:  Only in the Book of Mormon does Christ say, 3 Nephi 15:10 Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.  Nowhere in the Bible does He say those exact words, "I am Jesus Christ".  The concept is conveyed in several places: "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12) or "I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11)

Christ is the God of Justice; He is the God of mercy;  and he is the God of freedom (choice) 3 Nephi Between justice, destruction, and the coming of Christ the people have time to choose

His Grace Is Sufficient | Brad Wilcox | 2011 YouTube, BYU Speeches     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLXr9it_pbY·

                                                Part of my wristband at Long Peak surgery 


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