13 Oct 2024, Sunday

 13 Oct 2024, Sunday

Prioritized Daily Task

8:00 AM - set up chairs in overflow and gym in ward building

9:00 AM - Sacrament meeting

10:30 AM - Church at Abbington Memory Center


Notes on navel hernia surgery - No Oxycodone or other pain medicine since before surgery on Thursday, Oct. 10th; no bowel movement, constipation for 7 days; started taking Citricel, (two glasses) it did not help, Debbie went to the pharmacy and got some Dulcolax pills, and liquid laxative; I took 3 pills 5 mg each Saturday morning; It did not work and this morning at 2 AM I took 60 ml of Dulcolax liquid and a little after 8 AM constipation gradually started breaking up.  I am still bleeding a little from surgery on Oct 10th and the pain level is still a little high.  I had prayer showered shaved and put a bandaid on navel; had prayer with Debbie.  She attended Fast and Testimony meeting at Lehi 7th Ward.  She came home and picked me up for church and we went to Abbington Memory Center.  The Elders' Quorum and the Relief Society Presidency from the Lehi 7th Ward are helping here for the next two weeks.  I am sore from my surgery and did not do much physical.  I went to the bathroom two or three times during the 45 minutes we were at Abbington.  Afterward, we rode up to the Lehi 7th Ward Building.  I met with Brother Grace, a counselor in the Bishopric, and had an interview to renew my temple recommend.  Before I left he made an appointment to see President Hobbs, counselor in the Gateway Stake Presidency, this Tuesday at 7:10 PM.  Afterward, I came home and went to bed.  At 2 PM I woke, and the constipation had turned to diarrhea.  I had to washout the underclothes I had on and showered.  Debbie made some chicken noodle soup that I had with soda crackers.  It has been 12 hours since I drank the 60 ml of Dulcolax.  Today is Fast Sunday.  Debbie is cooking for some the young-adult grandchildren and one of their friends for Sunday afternoon dinner.  I studied scriptures and listened to Come Follow Me 3 Nephi 12-16 Part 2, with Hank Smith & John Bytheway with guest Bradley R. Wilcox.  Bob Millit said when I get to the Gates of Heaven and someone asks, why do you deserve to be here?  Don't say I deserve to be here because I was the Deacon's Quorum President, or I was the assistant to my mission president on my mission, or I was the bishop, or I served as the relief society president.  Unha, unha that is not the right answer; if someone greets you and asks why do you deserve to be here.  You answer, I don't, but I know someone.  Even in Heaven it is going to depend on who you know.  Hank Smith told about what his friend Scott Adams told about a talk a sister in his stake conference gave.  She told about the experience of losing her daughter. She was experiencing immense pain and anger at God for allowing this to happen.  She said she was given a dream about 5 days after her daughter's passing.  She was hanging, white-knuckled over a cliff with a black void below.  She was terrified of falling.  Her hands were cut, she was fatigued, losing her strength to hang on.  In the dream, she got the impression to let go.  This was impossible, the void below was so dark, but again and again she got the impression to let go.  Finally, she trusted that feeling and released.  As she was falling she saw a net of light below her.  She could tell it was going to give her a soft safe landing.  When she hit the net she felt wrapped in love and warmth.  Then she examined the net and what she saw surprised her.  She saw there were people at the ends of the net and the weave of it was from light that streamed from them.  She was told in the dream that the net was made up of prayer that streamed from them.  She saw the larger strands were from people that loved her and were near her.  There were 100s of smaller strands made up of people she did not know but had heard her story and were praying for her.  She learned that no prayer is ever wasted.                                                                                 "No one of us can go back and make a brand new beginning.  All of us can begin where we are and make a new ending" by Carol Bard.  There is a reason why a windshield is so much larger than a rearview mirror.              This quote is applicable to me, "WHERE MUCH IS REQUIRED MUCH IS GIVEN".  It is a mirror image of. 'To whom much is given, much will be required'. (Luke 12:48)

I got sleepy and took a nap.  Rae Lynn called about 6 PM.  She was on her way back from volleyball games in southern CA with Etrhan, Luke, and Brody.  I feel better after eating a bowl of chicken noodle soup with saltine crackers earlier.  I got up and went into the kitchen; Kylie, Tylee, Shelby, and her friend Bradley were eating,  Shelby was washing and drying clothes.  Debbie had made apple pie with ice cream for dessert.  There is more than they will eat and I will have some tomorrow.  I read and studied scriptures.  When the children left, Debbie and I had prayer before going to bed.


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