14 Oct 2024, Monday

 14 Oct 2024, Monday

Prioritized Daily Task

10:30AM - Dr. Clint Mower DO, Family Practice with Brad Gale PA

Up at 7 AM, prayer, showered, dressed, and checked in to my medical appointment at Family Medical online.  Debbie got up before I left and we had prayer together.  I studied scriptures and read.  A little after 10 AM I drove to Family Practice on Main St. and saw Dr. Clint Mower.  He is setting an appointment for a brain CT.  We had a good visit.  I saw the X-rays on my right knee.  There is space between the ball of the knee and the bone it fits into.  I told him I plan to hike to Base Camp at Mt. Everest and don't want to have any problems with my knees.  He is arranging for me to get some PT to strengthen my knees before I leave.  I got home and I had a text from Caecee with Lawn Doctor that he is coming out to spray again for the crab grass.  Later Dominion Energy sent a crew to test the house to be sure it is tight and will not be leaking heat this winter.  They did some weather stripping and caulking.  We should be in good shape.  We texted Alex, Carter, and Gavin inviting them to dinner this Sunday afternoon, Oct. 20.  Gavin is in San Diago; he has taken a job there.  Alex said Micahel, her dad, will be in town this week.  I had texted him and Matthew earlier.  Michael will be spending a few nights with us this week while he is in town working.  We will be having dinner with him, Alex, and Carter after my temple recommend Tuesday evening with a member of the Gateway Stake Presidency.  I watched a documentary movie on Israel's secret service, Mossad, and read some this evening.  Debbie and I had prayer together and got to bed before 10 PM.


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