6 Oct 2024, Sunday

6 Oct 2024,  Sunday

Prioritized Daily Task

9:30 AM - George and Lora's for cinnamon rolls before conference

10 AM and 2 PM - General Conference

1 PM - Sunday dinner at Jeff Nelson's with Beth, Tucker, Maggie, and Andrew

Beth, Tucker, Magrew, and Andrew fly back home SNA Airport 

Debbie and I were up early, had prayer, showered, and got ready for Conference.  Beth, Tucker, Maggie, and Andrew got up.  Debbie had breakfast for them, which Beth had fixed.  Jeff picked them up and rode to his house where an Uber picked them up and took them to the Sunday morning session of Semiannual General Conference in Salt Lake City.  Jeff's bishop got them tickets.  It is easier to get tickets for conference when you live outside Utah.  I trimmed and cut my fingernails and toenails. They seem to grow fast.  It has been about 5 weeks (Aug. 27th) since I cut them last. Debbie fixed an egg and hashbrowns potato casserole and we took to George and Laura's for brunch while we watched conference at their house.  President Dallin H. Oaks conducted.  President Jeffery R. Holland, Acting President of the Quorum of The Twelve Apostles was the first speaker.  His talk was on love.  Sister Tracy Browning, 2nd Counselor in the General Primary Presidency spoke.  In 1930 when Pluto was discovered and was thought to be the 9th planet in our solar system.  Many scientist believed beyond Pluto was just empty space.  This was taught in our schools and universities until 1992 when scientists learned it was not a planet and it was too small to even be a moon.  Scientists admitted they did not know or understand that Pluto was not the end of our solar system.  There is a parallel between seeking earthly knowledge and seeking spiritual knowledge.  I was impressed with her knowledge and intelligence.  Brother Brook P. Hales, Secretary to 1st Presidency talk was about the about the Plan of Happiness and that mortality works.  Todd L. Budge, 2nd Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric talked about making time for the Lord in our lives.  Elder Gary E. Stevenson, Quorum of the Twelve, talked about two great decades, 1820-1830 and 2024-2034.  The first, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith; the angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith and gave him the gold plates from which he translated and had printed the Book of Mormon; John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John restored the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery; and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized.  Oliver Cowdery described it as days never to be forgotten.  This decade may prove to be as momentous as any in the last two centuries.  News Week reported President Russell M. Nelson, the world's oldest religious leader just turned 100.  An unprecedented number of temple are open and being opened; the Temple Plazza opened with flags from all nations where the Church is open and a plaque with Isaiah quote, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it." 2030 will be the bicentennial celebration of the Church and in 2034 Salt Lake City will be the stage for the Winter Olympic Games, when leaders, dignitaries, and people from all around the world will flood the streets of Salt Lake City.  A demonstration of worldwide unity and the eyes of the world will be upon the Church and its members.  Bradley R. Wilcox, 1st Counselor in the Young Men's General Presidency, quoted from the book, Children's Letters to God.  "Dear God, instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don't you just keep the ones you got right now?  Why do you just have 10 rules?  Our school has millions.  Why did you put the tonsils in if you're just going to take them out again?" Then he asks the question that is asked by youth from Mongola to Idaho, "Why do Latter-day Saints have to live so differently from others?  It was an excellent talk.  After Conference we came home and met Beth and Maggie.  They packed and we followed them to 864 N 700 W, American Fork, just east and a little south of Costco.  We met his 15-year-old son, Cole.  Jeff has a very nice home, collection of cars, and other things.  Elder Todd L. Christofferson Conducted the afternoon session.  All the talks were very good.  I picked up a one-liner from Quentin L. Cook, "A book is the original handheld device."  President Russell M. Nelson was the concluding speaker.  He announced 17 new temples, one is Dublin, Ireland and another was Huntsville, Alabama.  After the second session of Conference today, Jeff took Beth, Tucker, Maggie, and Andrew to the Provo Airport to catch their flight.  Debbie and I came back home.  Debbie went over to Laura to visit before everyone left.  I talked to Rae Lynn, wrote in my journal, and when Debbie got home we. reviewed our calendar for this week.  We had prayer and got to bed a little after 9 PM.  Beth called and she and the children got home safe.  Elain called and told me more about the Dean Ornish program she and Lori Lynn are on. 


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