
Showing posts from August, 2024

31 Aug 2024, Saturday

 31 Aug 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task  Park City Condo Note: Alexander Gram Bell's wife,  Mabel Gardiner Hubbard, was hearing impaired and had learned to lip read.  When they went to a silent movie the dialogue was on the screen but she told Alexander that was not what they were saying. Two examples, "You're on my foot." and "Don't kiss me like that again." I was up and had prayer; I had a text message on my phone that Josa will be down to get his check for work on the cabin in Timber Lakes. Debbie and I had prayer and I laid the items out that will be needed to hang the outside lights on the soffit below the eves on the house.  Jody is up downstairs and Debbie is packing.  She and Jody are going up to Midway for Swiss Days and then to the Condo at Park City.  I texted Gavin who spent the night at the cabin and asked him to call me; Matthew said he had talked to you and the work Josa and his crew had done on the cabin looked good.  Gavin called

30 Aug 2024, Friday

 30 Aug 2024, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task  Maggie Elizabeth Davis' 13th Birthday Libby Traveller's 19th Birthday Get things ready for the hike to the top of Mt. Timpanogos on Tuesday Park City Condo is rented until Friday, 6th September.  Note:    To better understand the numbers and to understand what the odds are of being born today, where freedom is possible, we need to look at the best estimates of the number of people who have ever lived on this earth.  It ranges from 100 billion to 110 billion. Being generous in our estimates, it seems clear that fewer than five billion of the earth's total inhabitants have ever lived under conditions that would be considered free.  Today there are only 22 nations that have had a democratic form of government for more than a single lifespan.  Most of these nations are European or English speaking, with Costa Rica being the only Latin American country, Israel the only nation in the Middle East, and Japan the only nation in Asia.  Th

25 Aug 2024, Sunday

 25 Aug 2024, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task  Blake Brown's 37th Birthday 9:00 am - Lehi 7th Ward Sacrament meeting 10:30 am - Abbington Memory Center Debbie did not get to sleep until about 1:30 am this morning.  I was up at 7 am, had prayer, showered, shaved, and got ready for church.  Debbe got up before I left to set up the chairs in our ward building, overflow, Priesthood, Primary, and Relief Society rooms.  The visiting high councilman and another brother visiting our ward today helped me set up chairs until the counselor in the stake presidency arrived.  Members of the Elder's Quorum and their wives arrived and I was finished sooner than usual.  I drove home and picked Debbie up.  We attended sacrament meeting and I got some of the notes from Brother Bentley who spoke from his talk today about Dr. Edith Egar, a survivor of Auschwitz.  Debbie and I worked with  Point Meadows 2nd Ward  in providing church services to the residents at Abbinton Memory Center.  After church,

29 Aug 2024, Thursday

 29 Aug 2024, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task  Debbie helping Jody clean Shelby's apartment Gavin and I dive up to the cabin to put blue masking tape on the places that need attention and we met with Jose and 2 of his crew Note:  Embrace the situation you find yourself in; grow where you are planted. by Neil A. Maxwell, President of the Seventy " I apologize now. I apologize because of the terrible mess the planet is in. But it has always been a mess. There have never been any “Good Old Days,” there have just been days. And as I say to my grandchildren, “Don’t look at me. I just got here myself.” Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut Jr.  Can we make a difference for good in the days we have been given? There are indeed golden years for those people who are humble and confident and have found genuine joy founded on solid things in the sunset of their lives.  For them, it is the prelude of a new sunrise.  " The Golden Years", Instructor - September 1962, p. 321 "Si

28 Aug 2024, Wednesday

 28 Aug 2024, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task  Ljubica Jelicic's Birthday 10:15 am - Debbie's wellness check, Brad Gale, Family Practice 12 Noon - Lunch with Gavin at Zupus in American Fork Scan and email a copy of my  will, family trust, advanced health care directive, and Durable power of attorney to the attorney we met with yesterday I have been told I should avoid sit-ups and other core exercises if I have a hernia because they can put too much pressure on my abdomen and worsen my condition.  Debbie and I were up and had prayer,  I sent Norman Peat, attorney, scanned copies of the information of mine we went over with Debbie yesterday.  Debbie got the time wrong for her appointment with Brad Gale and reset it for Sep. 25th at 10:30.  I rode with Gavin up to the cabin in Timber Lakes.  Gavin needed to get a sticker to enter the gate when security is not there at night or early in the morning.  We checked the work Josa and his crew had done and are doing.  I took some pictu

27 Aug 2024, Tuesday

 27 Aug 2024, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task  9:30 am - James Macdonald, Dermatologist,  Lehi office  Get a check from Wells Fargo and pay Josa 2:00 pm - Attorney in Provo - Wills and Trust,  2696 N. University Ave., Suite 180, Provo, UT  phone 801-472-7742,  Justin Heideman, Attorney,  Norman Peat, Attorney, and  Sarah, Legal Assistant Debbie and I had prayer together, showered, shaved, trimmed my fingernails and toenails, and sent Matthew pictures of the outdoor lighting he gave us to trim the house with.  I still need to get them secured better.  I kept thinking what Lydia said about my hernia surgery in Aug. 2018.  I went back in my 2017 and 2018 journals before my surgery to see if I made any mention of where the hernia was.  I found one place where Tony Traveller our son-in-law had hernia surgery in December 2017.  I mentioned my hernia on 10 July 2018 and also called it a rupture.  From y journal,  " I also made an appointment to see Dr. Reese Davis a surgeon for the herni

26 Aug 2024, Monday

 26 Aug 2024, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task  *Get adhesive stickers or 1 1/4 inch screw  nails  (drill bit) to hold outside lights on eves of the house in place Home Depot or Lowes Drive up to the cabin and check on Josa and his crew's work before getting a check for $11, 000 to pay them check -  Insurance Kanawha Humana Family's anniversary call and make an appointment to see   Dr. C. Reese Davis was supposed to do the surgery).   He did not show up but had a Dr. Ian R. Cavin, DO, came from another hospital and did the surgery.   Dr. C. Reese Davis  (801) 955-0071.                                                                                                            (called at 9:00 am, got an answering machine, and left a message asking for an appointment to see Dr. Reese Davis on Tuesday, Sep. 10th). Lidia called back and I made an appointment to see Dr. Reese Davis at 10 AM Wed. 10th Sep. at  11724 S State St STE 201, Draper, UT 84020) You should avoid sit-ups and othe

24 Aug 2024, Saturday

 24 Aug 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task  6:30 am - ANM at Orem Temple endowment session if an appointment opportunity opens  11:00 am - Watch Ryan and Stephanie's children while they attend a wedding 12:30 PM -  Jose de Jesus Tecalco  and 3 of his family and a 7-year-old daughter came over and ran the outside electrical lights on the eves of the house - lunch at Chuck-a-Rama worked on NOKBox ANM endowment session at 6:45 pm in Orem Temple was full,  no. vacancies  Note: " It is better to prepare and prevent than it is to repair and repent."  Ezra Taft Benson.  Sep. 6, 2014 Debbie and I had prayer together; she went with Jody for a walk and also exercised with weiths.  I did some Yoga exercises and am sore, especially around the hernia in my stomach. area.  Ryan and Stephanie dropped the children off on their way to their neighbor in DayBreak daughter's wedding.  Debbie fixed breakfast for Jody, Libby, and me before she went to Tate's football game.  Jose ca

23 Aug 2024, Friday

 23 Aug 2024, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task  3:00 pm - Aaron Waite M.D., 3333 N. Digital Dr., Suite 300, Lehi UT. Cataract left eye.  phone  801-876-6000 email, I was up at. 7 am, had prayer, showered, shaved, and had prayer with Debbie.  Jody is up but Libby is still downstairs.  She has training for her volunteer work in U ganda,  Africa today until 5:30 pm.   Debbie cooked breakfast and made a fruit smoothie for Libby.  She could not drink it.  I brushed my teeth and worked on NokBox.  Debbie has gone with Jody, Lora, and Jami shopping.  I worked some on NokBox; and information on utility companies for services we pay monthly.  I also did some Yoga and exercised.  Later I drove to my appointment for a consultation with Emily Potts, Eric's wife, who was the technician.  Eric served his mission in the Adriatic North Mission under President  Kevin Field and his wife, Dianna, when Debbie and I were there with Mirko and Ljubica Jelicic on Saturday,  16 Oct 20

22 Aug 2024, Thursday

 22 Aug 2024, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task  9:00 am - Miracle-Ear hearing aid fitting, 179 N 1200 E Suite 103, Lehi Note:  Alma 51,  Amalikiah and his brother, Ammoron, leading the Laminates have taken so many of the cities of the Nephites because of the wickedness and dissension of the Nephites.  Now they are being surrounded by the Laminates.  The Laminates have the cities of Mulek, Gid, Omner, Moriraaton, Lehi, Nephihadh, and Moroni, on the east coast.   It is on the beach between Mulek and Bountiful that Teancum slays Amalikiah while he is sleeping.  Later in the City of Moroni Teancum slays Ammoron but is also killed.  (I make notes and try and follow a map of events and times, things are happening in the Book of Mormon.). I wrote to Book of Mormon Scripture Central and asked the question, how many Nephite cities had the Laminates captured in addition to the seven cities on the east coast about 67 BC?  I received " Your ticket number is 455761. we will attend to your mess

21 Aug 2024, Wednesday

 21 Aug 2021, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task  Matthew and Melodie's 14th Wedding Anniversary Wells Fargo - $2 ,000 check to Jose de Jesus Tecalco to purchase railing and banister supplies for cabin Work on changes to will and trust for meeting with the attorney next Tuesday.  I called Taylor 435-29888; Ken was at the Timber Lakes Office at 9 am but he was meeting with another homeowner.   I went to Wells Fargo Bank and got a $2,000 check for Jose to purchase parts for the banisters at the cabin.  Took the Teslia and got it washed at the car wash.   When I got home Debbie and I had brunch.  Matthew returned my phone call from the car wash.  He gave me another lesson on how to fold the side mirrors.  I talked to Jose and he came down this afternoon.  I was gathering grapes when he arrived.  I gave him the cashier's check for $2,000, about half the money needed to purchase the materials to repair and replace the banisters at the cabin.  I sat in on the Zoom board meeting of the

20 aug 2024, Tuesday

 20 Aug 2024, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task  Ryan and Stepanie Hobbs' 21st Wedding Anniversary  Call Humana about the two $39 charges by the Eye Care Center of Lehi  Verify - 3 pm Appointment Friday 23nd, with Dr. Aaron Waite, M.D. - Cataract left eye, 333 N. Digital Dr., Suite 300, Lehi UT, phone 801-876-6000 Text Michael and Robyn Cabin at Timber Lakes  (Jesus Tecalco to purchase railing and banister supplies staining cabin and arrangements to repair and replace railing and banisters) Debbie and I had prayer and got ready for the day.  I had to reset the computer on our washing machine again this morning.  Debbie had more things to wash.  I called Humana and talked to a. lady in the claims department.  I was told that Debbie and I are not responsible for any copay on a routine eye exam which the bill they sent shows but if they do a retina scan they could charge us.  I called Dr. Aaron Waite's office and confirmed my appointment for this Friday at 3 pm.  I sent Michael a te

19 Aug 2024, Monday

 19 Aug 2024, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task  10:06 am - Depart San Diego to Salt Lake City – DL 1177                             1:08 pm - Arrive in SLC                 Confirmation number  GERLPG 10:30 am - RETURN CAR 10:30am. Expedia 2263 Pacific Hwy, San Diego, California, USA, SAN Debbie and I were up at 6:00 am, had prayer, showered, and packed.  We had toast with honey and peanut butter for breakfast.  We stripped the bed and put clean bed linen on, put the towels and bed linen in a pile together.  Matthew and Melodie are still sleeping.  I think Ava is home but Madeline and maybe Bella are spending the night with friends.  Debbie and I left the house at 7:30 pm.  I took Debbie to Terminal 2 at the San Diago International Airport and left her with most of our luggage to check.  I kept the suit and garment bag.  There is a lot of airport construction and the traffic is heavy.  I drove to NU Car Rental on Pacific Highway near the airport.  I turned the car in and was told the toll

18 Aug 2024, Sunday

 18 Aug 2024, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task  11:30 am - Sacrament meeting 3260 Bear Valley Pkwy, Escondido, CA  Sydney Chapman's Missionary Farewell Debbie and I had prayer, and Carter and Alex came by.  Carter got permission from his Bishop to have the sacrament before they left for Mexico and Hawaii on their honeymoon.  He and Alex got some bread from Matthew and Melodie and a couple of glasses of water.  Carter and I blessed and passed the sacrament to the four of us.  Carter and Alex took their luggage to Matt's Tesla truck and wet clothes from last night Alex gave them to Melodie to wash and dry while they are gone.   Melodie took Ava to the Tesla truck and she let me take her back into the house.  Her knees are swollen from arthritis and it is painful for her to walk.  While Matthew was gone to take Carter and Alex to the Tijuana International Airport Mexico, I got an envelope from Melodie.  Debbie and I wrote Sydney Chapman a short letter and put some cash in an envelop

17 Aug 2024, Saturday

 17 Aug 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task  9:45 - 10:45 am - Wedding party photos  200 Avenida La Pata 10:45 - 11:45 am - Wedding ceremony  200 Avenida La Pata 12:30 - 2:00 pm - Luncheon  200 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente 3:00 pm - Temple marriage and sealing Newport Beach Temple 4:00 pm - Pictures at the temple 6:00 pm - Reception -  2390 Redlands Dr., Newport Beach (Kettley Residence) Debbie and I had prayer, showered, shaved, and got ready for a big day.  We ate a light breakfast and drove up to the Golf Club in San Clemente at about 10:00 am.  We stood in the sun waiting for some time.  We finally got to walk down the trail to the area where the wedding ceremony took place.  Alexandra had a large group of flower girls and bride's maids.  Ben Schilaty, a friend of Alex's, performed the ceremony.  Afterward, we went in the clubhouse for lunch.  Michael, Autumn, Lori (Autumn's mother), Patt (Michael's mother), and Steve Haight (Carter's father) toasted the cou

16 Aug 2024, Friday

 16 Aug 2024, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task  2:00 PM - family pool party at Matthew and Melodie's  Debbie and I slept in this morning, had prayer, and went to Costco and filled the rental car with gas.  I picked up two large bags of ice.  Matthew packed the drinks with ice but had to get 3 more bags so there would be enough.  Autumn and some of her friends and other mothers brought 13 of the smaller girls for a flower girl party in the backyard.  Nicole was one of Autumn's friends from Tennessee; she and her husband, a medical doctor,v had me over to their home in Boise, Idaho when I was helping Matthew with Exit Realty while he was in law school in San Diego.  I talked to Michael and he, Beth, Rae Lynn, Brett, and the boys are coming down before or around 2 pm.  Melodie took orders for lunch; Michael, Gavin, and his friend came down and went with Matthew to pick up the food.  The children played basketball, volleyball, and ping pong, and played in the pool while dinner was be