
Showing posts from July, 2024

31 Jul 2023, Wednesday

 31 Jul 2024, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task  3:00 pm - neighbor help and cut limbs on tree against house 7:30 - 8:30 pm - Landscape Sister Katherine Kojoori's home.  1150 N 200 W (Trailer #32) How to convert a typed document into an electronic word-processing document? Step-by-step: Scanning: Start by scanning your typewritten document with a flatbed scanner. ... OCR Software: Once scanned, use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. ... Editing: After OCR processing, open the file in a word processing software to check for errors. *Go by and visit Dave Haygood this week at Monument Health, 460 W. 2600 S., Bountiful, UT (Call Jennifer first so she can come and put his hearing aid in) Alex will be here next week from Monday, Aug. 5th to Aug 8th Thursday Debbie sent me a text.  They are at the Hilton Resort and Spa on Denataur Peninsula on the island called Vito Levu-Fiju.  They have been zip-lining, hiking to water walls through the jungle, and swimming in lakes and rivers

30 Jul 2024, Tuesday

30 Jul 2024, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task  Alexandra "Alex"'s 22 Birthday Spencer Kimball's 48th Birthday Get emission inspection on Outback for registration for a new tag Round-up with a cup at end of nozil  I slept in until 7 am, had prayer, and sent Alex and Spencer each a happy birthday text.  I spent more time today working and organizing the office in the laundry room.  Debbie sent me the email from Amazon about the company that sent the parts to repair the upper tray on the Kenmore dishwasher.  It is a Vietnam company and not reasonable to try and ship the parts back to VN.  I will wait until they arrive Aug. 2-7.  I worked on organizing mail and pictures in storage boxes.  I ate lunch and went back to work.  I texted. my niece, Blake, and sent a picture to Dan, Susan, Amy, and Elain.  I started typing into a data format some of the stories and things told at Dad and Mom's funeral.  I took the Subaru to have an emission inspection and renew the tag for a

29 Jul 2024, Monday

 29 Jul 2024, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task  pickup garbage and recycle cans from the street move Libby's car and Land Rover to another location on the street shine shoes pickup suite from the cleaners take items to Desert Industries  Take books etc. to the cabin in Lehi 8:00 am Taj-Ga Flow class at the Legacy Center I was up at 7 am, had prayer, showered, and got ready for the day.  I gathered up the trash and recycle items that accumulated over the week-end and took them to the containers on the street.  I saw my neighbor, Cody, and spoke to him on his way to work.  I pulled the Land Rover and VW Jetta up a few feet from where they have been parked on the street.  I shined 4 pairs of shoes and had some breakfast.  I called Humana and talked to Lora about my case Sduart filed on July 23.  She put me on hold while she connected me to claims and after several minutes the call was disconnected.  I called back and spoke with Mikee.  She took the additional information about Dr. C. Re

28 Jul 2024, Sunday

 28 Jul 2024, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task  8 am - set up chairs at Lehi 7th Ward Building 9 am - Sacrament meeting Lehi 7th Ward 10:15 am - Church at Abbington Memory Center I did not set an alarm but woke at 7 am refreshed.  My internal clock wakes me when I have got 7 to 8 hours of sleep.  I had my personal prayer, made the bed, got dressed, and was at the church building before 8 am.  I started setting up chairs in the overflow.  The first to arrive was brother Gary Pyne.   He has been a counselor in the Elder's Quorum Presidency but was released to serve on the stake high council.  When his meeting with the stake presidency and high council was finished he came over to the Lehi 7th Ward and helped me.  Later other brothers and some wives arrived.  We finished setting up chairs for the overflow, the Priesthood, the primary room, and the Relief Society room.  We were finished by 8:50 am.  Our new stake president presided at our sacrament meeting today.                  *Note: 

27 Jul 2024, Saturday

 27 Jul 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task  6 pm - take Debbie, Tylee, Jami, and Libby to SLC Airport to catch a flight  to LAX at 8:05 pm and then to Fiji Airlines  on Jet Blue Airline Note:  “God gathers, Satan divides, and Christ unites” Note: “It is better to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent” is an old saying that is attributed to President Ezra Taft Benson  Note:  (This is a story I have kept for years.  It has a moral, and I hope it has meaning to you)  Our house was directly across the street from the clinic entrance of Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to outpatients at the clinic. One summer evening as I was fixing supper, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see a truly awful-looking man. “Why, he’s hardly taller than my eight-year-old,” I thought as I stared at the stooped, shriveled body. But the appalling thing was his face; it was lopsided from swelling and scarred, red, and raw. Yet his voice

26 Jul 2024, Friday

26 Jul 2024, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task  Samantha's 22nd Birthday,  Debbie taking her to lunch Clara, Allie, Ellie, and , Ocie, Alex, Gabe, and Tyler, friends of Shelby and Libby spent the night with us Note:  “Men and women unquestionably have impressive powers and can bring to pass great things. But after all our obedience and good works, we cannot be saved from death or the effects of our individual sins without the grace extended by the atonement of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon makes this clear. It teaches that ‘salvation doth not come by the law alone’ (Mosiah 13:28). In other words, salvation does not come simply by keeping the commandments . ‘By the law no flesh is justified’ (2 Ne. 2:5). Even those who try to obey and serve God with all their heart, might, mind, and strength are ‘unprofitable servants’ (Mosiah 2:21). Man cannot earn his own salvation” Elder Dallin H. Oaks I got up at 7:30 am and had prayer.  Debbie had got up earlier and was getting ready to cook b

25 Jul 2024, Thursday

 25 Jul 2024, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task  5 am - Legacy center, Yoga class 1 pm - drop Carter, Mckay, and Drew off at Randy's and he will bring the children home until the 27th, Saturday afternoon, and watch the boys and Abbey too when she gets home today, on Thursday. SSA - Appointment - Costco SS Supplementary Insurance.  With Humana do I have Medicare Advantage?  Can I have surgery in CA when I live in UT? S.S Office  Why do doctors not like Medicare Advantage plans? In some cases, your doctor may not agree with your insurance provider's decision to approve a less expensive treatment before paying for a more expensive one that your doctor may recommend. Providers in Medicare Advantage networks may also have to take time away from patients to spend it on pre-authorization paperwork. Oct 12, 2023 What are the advantages of Original Medicare? What are the disadvantages of Original Medicare?   Part A, also kno

24 Jul 2024, Wednesday

 24 Jul 2024, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task               Alex Gourley 20th Birthday Calendar with Debbie  Ear, Eye, Teeth, appointments with doctors and dentist 11 am - BOQ at Pat and Anndalyn's pool party 5:00 pm - Ancestral DNA, don't forget about our biweekly “office hours” over Zoom. You'll see what we're working on and can make suggestions, ask questions, and get help with your projects. Our next office hours are on July 24 at 4 PM Pacific Time. You can join at Note: I want to be like Nephi as I write in my journal, he writes the things that please God.     I Ne 6:5 Mormon noted Alma's counsel to his son Helaman in Alma chapter 63, keep sacred things sacred.   I try to do this; as an example, when giving a blessing.  I take the time to put on a white shirt and tie and try and get spiritually prepared. Debbie and I had prayer, reviewed our calendar, and worked on setting up appointments with doctors.    Eyecare Of Lehi

23 Jul 2024, Tuesday

 23 Jul 2024, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task  call Portia at  Humana 800-4574708 July 12 -  (Brad Gale P.A. July 15) I called at 12:30 pm and spoke with Ashley; she is going to have Portina call me back. 9:30 am - Orem Temple, Emma and Garrett's marriage and sealing (Shelby watching the children until we get home) Shelby is sick and cannot watch the children.  Carter watched them in the morning after we left until Lora gets here. 1:00 pm - Luncheon 6 - 8 pm - Reception  Jack came and got in bed with Debbie and me sometime early this morning saying he could not sleep.  Debbie was up before me, showered, and got ready for the day.  I got up after 7 am and had prayer.  When Debbie was ready for the day we had prayer together in the sunroom so as not to wake any of the children.  I showered and got ready for the day while Debbie cooked crepes breakfast for the children.   I tried to call Portia; I learned today, her name is Pordia.  She was sent a message to give me a call before 1:00

22 Jul 2024, Monday

 22 Jul 2024, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task  6:00 am - Debbie drops Abbey off at the church for girls camp Water the porch and hanging plants for Stephanie Help boys pack for a trip to Lehi Take black and blue garbage cans to the street Set out Alaska, their dog, food and treats, roll up the rug in the family room so the dog does not spoil it Leave for Lehi by 1 pm Debbie was up early, and Abbie's young women president picked her up for youth conference.   I got up at 7 am, had prayer, read scriptures, and Debbie and I had prayer together.  The boys are all sleeping.  Debbie is washing bed linen and towels.  Everyone ate breakfast and cleaned the kitchen.  At 1:15 pm we left Wellsville and drove to Lehi.  I talked to Jennifer Haygood and checked on her and David.  They are not doing well but holding their own.  We got home and Porter brought Tate, Max, and Jack over.   Debbie tried to get the big screen projector downstairs to play the movie UP by Disney.  I called Matthew and he

21 Jul 224, Sunday

 21 Jul 2024, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task  5:45 am - Ryan and Stephanie are meeting Kylee at Randy Hobbs.  Eric, Stephanie's brother, is taking Ryan, Stephanie, and Kylee to the SLC airport, and they are flying to meet the Hansens, Stephanie's parents.  They are taking two of their grandchildren who have finished high school, and their parents on a Church history tour 9:00 am - Sacrament meeting in Wellsville 8th Ward (take family, Carter has to be at church early to set up for the sacrament  (8:35 am) 10:00 am - Abbington Manor Building for church services being covered by Brother Darrell Harmon, Gateway Stake High Councilman  11:30 am - report ministering for the month Debbie and I slept in Carter's room last night and I got up at 6:30 am, showered, and got ready.  Debbie and I had prayer; while she showered and got ready, I had my personal prayer and studied or listened to some of Alma 32-35.  Debbie woke the children so they could start getting ready for church.  She

20 Jul 2024, Saturay

20 Jul 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task  11 am - meet Ryan and Stepanie for lunch  El Salvador Los Primos 1:00 pm - Logan Utah Festival Play, Anything Goes at Ellen EccLes Theatre Debbie and I slept in, had prayer, showered, and got ready for the day.  We had a light breakfast and studied scriptures.  In 1968 the building and grounds were sold to Dennis Carlsen.  At breakfast, we met Nola Call, wife of Ralph Call, the owner of the B&B.  They are from Minnnisota.  Ralph's 3rd g-grandfather was Anson Call.  He was the recorder of Joseph Smith's Rocky Mountain prophecy.  At 11:30 am Ryan and Stephanie met us at 880 S. Main St., Logan and we had lunch at Los Primos Mexican Restaurant.  At 12:30 pm we all went to see the play Anything Goes at EccLes Theater, 43 Main St, in Logan.  After the play we drove over to see the children, Abby, her friend, Rosa, from Hawaii, Carter, Mckay, and Drew.  When Ryan and Stephanie got home, Ryan worked in the yard and Stephanie cooked din

19 Jul 2024, Friday

 19 Jul 2024, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task  Our 10th Wedding Anniversary -  B&B Old Rock Church in Providence near Logan (Gift from Ryan and Stephanie Tickets to concert and  B&B Old Rock Church in Providence near Logan) 7:30 am - Jared is picking Max up for football practice 5:30 pm -  The Beehive Pub and Grill,  255 S. Main St,  Logan, UT 84321  I was up early; Debbie was already up and cooking breakfast.   I had prayer, showered, and got ready for the day.  Debbie went to get her hair fixed; Jody, Shelby, and Libby left.  I thought everyone had ate breakfast so I ate.  Jared picked Jack up early for football and brought him home later. Braddock came down and was looking in the refrigerator.  I asked him if he was hungry; he had not eaten; he did not go to sleep until about 5 am.  I had started putting the food up.  I got it out and Jack came to the table and wanted to eat again.  When they finished I washed the dishes, pans, etc., and cleaned the kitchen.  I packed for the

18 Jul 2024, Thursdy

 18 Jul 2024, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task  5:00 am Yoga at Legacy Center, Tasha is the instructor Wash cars, fill Subaru with gas, and make sure Tesla has a full charge. Scann copy 2024 3rd and 4th quarters estimated tax vouchers and email to Dan I was up early; Debbie got in late last night from the Mt. Timpanogos Temple with Shirley, Pam, and Emma.  I did not wake her but got dressed and had prayer before going to Yoga class at the Legacy Center.  There were only 5 in the class this morning.  My balance and flexibility have decreased over the years.  This is good I am working on improving in these areas.  I got home and watered the lawn.  When Debbie woke we had prayer and she told me about going through the temple with Emma and her family.  Debbie watered the garden and cooked breakfast.  I took the cars, washed them, and filled the Subaru with gas.  I got the oil changed, new filters, tires rotated, etc. in the 2017 Outback Subaru. at Doug Smith in American Fork.  I took the r

17 Jul 2024, Wednesday

 17 Jul 2024, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task  CHECK 2009 JOURNAL ENTRY WEEK of Dec. 10, 2009, for a visit I made to the Register of Deeds building and notes I may have made about a deed referencing a McCalpin or McColpin Tannery on Mill Creek, Belfast 8:45 am Draper Temple for 9 am initiatory proxy session 10:0 am Draper Temple endowment proxy session 4 pm - Matt McCleary, CPA, Tax Return 2023  5:30 pm - help with Saratoga Springs Temple yard work (worked with Lehi 21st Ward clearing dead growth off Daylilies Move Land Rover to another parking place on the street Debbie is going to Manti to meet Paula Soderstrom and other teachers she worked with at American Heritage and have lunch Debbie in the evening at Mt. Timpanogas Temple, Emma Allenbach, Pam's daughter, and Shirley Hobbs' granddaughter is going for her endowments Debbie and I had prayer together, showered, and ate breakfast.  Debbie left a few minutes before me to get to Manti to have lunch with Paula Soderstrom.  I w

16 Jul 2024, Tuesday

 16 Jul 2024, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task  Ethan travels to the  Philippians Max Kimball 80th Birthday Call Mt. Timpanogos Ranger Station  Pleasant Grove,  390 N 100 E, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 to check on hiking conditions to the top  Make an appointment with Doug Smith Subaru 2017 Outback for service Note:      Earth’s crammed with heaven,                                                     And every common bush afire with God,                                                     But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,                                        ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning.   Aurora Lee, seventh book Note:  Cash-back  5% on Hotel and Car Rentals BOOKED through Capital-One Visa Charge Card  on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel  *Note:  16th July 2024, Nursing Homes Leases End from Andy Morris, Reliable Health Care Friendship ends 12/31/2029 Gateway- 12/31/29 Chulio - 11/30/28  Up at 7 am, Debbie and I had prayer, Trevor from Lawn Doctor came by

15 Jul 2024, Monday

 15 Jul 2024, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task  72nd Birthday, Jane Shealy Chandler was born in 1952 (called and talked to her yesterday) Airline tickets to San Diago, CA,  August 14-19 cash check from and pay Costco membership for next year Take garbage and recycle containers to the street for city pick-up See Matt McCleary, CPA - 2023 tax return, Wed. Aug 17th at 4:00 pm 12 Noon -  pay Dan Owens for work, pruning, etc in the yard Deposit money into Regions account from Wells Fargo Deposit GA Tax Refund into Wells Fargo Tax account 8:00 pm - Legacy Center - Yoga, Tai-Ga-Flow instructor, Thu Call Mt. Timpanogos Ranger Station  (801) 785-3563 to check on hiking conditions to the top Check and see if Brad Gale, PA is working in the clinic today.  1. Should I have hernia surgery again from Aug 14th, 2018 ( Dr. C. Reese Davis was supposed to do the surgery).   He did not show up but had a Dr. Ian R. Cavin, DO, came from another hospital and did the surgery.                    Ask if Omega Q

14 Jul 2024, Sunday

 14 Jul 2024, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task  Note:  "In a coming day, only those men who have taken their priesthood seriously by diligently seeking to be taught by the Lord Himself, will be able to bless, guide, protect, strengthen, and heal others. Only a man who has paid the price for priesthood power will be able to bring miracles to those he loves and keep his marriage and family safe, now and throughout eternity." 'The Price of Priesthood Power', President Russell M. Nelson Note: (letter from a father to his child)  How are you? I just had to send a note to tell you how much I care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were talking with your friends. I waited all day hoping you would want to talk with me too. I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you -- and I waited. You never came. It hurt me -- but I still love you because I am your father. I saw you sleeping last night and longed to touch your brow so I spilled moonlight upon your f

13 Jul 2024, Saturday

 13 Jul 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task  *Check and make sure Jodee Pike's invoice will be paid in Sep. 2024 for $250 Check out beach house in Newport Beach Delta Airlines - depart SAN, Orange County, 1 :00 PM                             Landing SLC on  Sat, Jul 13, at 12:20  PM.   I was up early, had prayer, showered, and shaved.  I called and talked to Debbie and had prayer.  Rae Lynn was the next one up and started cleaning the beach house.  Beth got up, then the children.  We finished cleaning and then packed the automobiles.  I had prayer with Rae Lynn, her boys, Madeline and Bella; Beth had Maggie, Tucker, and Andrew in the Jeep and it loaded with her luggage.  I had prayer with them in the Jeep before leaving.  I almost forgot my cap and sunglasses; we had to stop at an Americas Tire Store to have air put in her tires.  Two of the tires had metal in them.  The right rear, there was no air leak, but the left rear has a slow leak.  Beth did not have time to get it repai

12 Jul 2024, Friday

 12 Jul 2024, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task  9:00 am call  Humana 800-457-4708  - Portia I spoke with yesterday, call this morning and ask for Portia  Call Dr. C. Reese Davis  Two weeks and 5 days between hernia surgery by Dr. C. Reese Davis on Aug. 22, 2018, Wednesday  And Dr. Peter Caputo on Monday, Sep. 10, 2018.  I was out of commission for about 3 months after these two surgeries.  The hernia surgery did not hold the hernia in for two months before it slipped out from behind the mesh (Dr. C. Reese Davis was supposed to do the surgery).   He did not show up but had a Dr. Ian R. Cavin, DO, came from another hospital and did the surgery.   Dr. C. Reese Davis  (801) 955-0071 11724 S State St STE 201, Draper, UT 84020 ⋅ Opens 9 AM Fri Note: A story of determination, Drummer Boy of   Chickamauga                     In May of 1861, 9 year old John Lincoln "Johnny" Clem ran away from his home in Newark, Ohio, to join the Union Army, but found the Army was not interested in sign