
Showing posts from September, 2024

30 Sep 2024, Monday

 30 Sep 2024, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task 9:30 - 12 Noon - Shelly Idaho, Winn Christian's viewing and funeral  2:00 PM - Matt's meeting on the golf course  Refill eye medication at  Costco pharmacy (pick up tomorrow afternoon) and ice cream on a stick 7 PM - Dinner with Alex and Carter at  Tandoor Indian Restaurant in Provo Matthew and I slept in, I had prayer and later called Debbie.  She and Karlene are going to Winn Christian's funeral today.  We had prayer together.  I read and studied scriptures.  I got a video text from Blake, James, Inez, Betty, and Olin.  I ordered 3 packs of  Double Sided Tape 1in x 1in 30pcs, 3M VHB Heavy Duty Mounting Tape Pad Sticker Strong Adhesive Tape Waterproof Foam Tape for Indoor and Out Door and drain clog removal kit from Amazon.  Matthew went to play golf with a friend at 2 PM and I read and watched TV until he returned from his golf game a little after 7 PM.  We drove down to the Tandoor Indian Restaurant in the Best Western Hotel t

29 Sep 2024, Sunday

 29 Sep 2024, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task 8:00 AM - Set up chairs at the ward building 9:00 AM - Sacrament Meeting Lehi 7th Ward 10:15 AM - Debbie picks up Brett Hobbs at SLC Airport and drives to Shelly Matthew has breakfast with Beth and Jeff Debbie and I had prayer together; I went to the church at 8 AM and started setting up chairs for the 5th Sunday meeting.  There are 3 meetings today; the men and women, the youth, and the primary children.  After we finished I went home at 8:45 AM.  Matthew took me back to church and met Beth and Jeff for breakfast.  Debbie and I set together during sacrament meeting.  She left before it was over to go and pick up Brett Hobbs, Rae Lynn's husband at the SLC Airport, and drove up to Shelly Idaho.  Winn Christian, Brett's grandfather's funeral is tomorrow.  They went to a view of the body and met family and friends this evening.  I attended the joint Priesthood and Relief Society meeting.  There were different teachers and subjects t

28 Sep 2024, Saturday

 28 Sep 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task Inez "Nezzy' Reynolds's 8th birthday (2016) 5:06 PM - Pick Matt up at Provo Airport  We had prayer together before Debbie left to go see Max play football.  I put medicine in my eyes, prayed, showered, shaved, and sent Nezzy a happy 8th birthday text.  I have two types of medication I put in my left eye 4 times a day and in my right eye twice a day.  When Debbie got home we ate brunch.  Later Beth surprised me and Debbie; she brought Jeff Nelson over to meet us.  He was very nice and seemed to like Beth a lot.  He lives at 864 North 700 West, American Fork, UT 84003,  We took a picture of them.  Later I picked Matthew up at the Provo Airport.  We visited, he set the programming on the outdoor permanent lights and spent the night with us.  We all had family prayer before going to bed. Jeff Nelson and Beth                                                               Beth and Jeff in a Corvette

27 Sep 2024, Friday

 27 Sep 2024, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task Debbie and I slept in and had prayer, Debbie is sore from the weight training workout yesterday and got on the vibrating machine for 10 minutes this morning.  I exercised at the Legacy Center and got the Tesla and Outback washed this morning.  I sent Tony Traveller a happy 54th birthday text.  I took the Tesla and then the Outback and got them washed and cleaned them on the inside.   Debbie went this afternoon to see Allison play tennis.  This evening we had dinner and cleaned the kitchen.  Debbie and I watched a movie on TV and we had prayer before going to bed. Note:  When you have more past behind you than future in front of you, you should have started learning what is important. 

26 Sep 2024, Thursday

 26 Sep 2024, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task Call and talk to Britt about Debbie going with him to Winn Christian's funeral, Britt's grandfather's funeral next Monday Call and talk to Matt about lunch at Rodizio Grill in American Fork with us and Scott and his wife on Thursday, Oct. 3rd 10:00 AM - Meeting with the McAlpins, Rovin Capital,  Microsoft Teams Meeting,  Scott Edwards,  Organizer,  Eric Pierce,  Deborah Kae McAlpin Note:  Take a lesson from nature; everything grows up - flowers, trees, cities, babies, and nations.  Look up, not down; if you get knocked down get up; he who gets up one more time than he gets knocked down will win. Debbie and I were up early, had prayer, and she went to her weight training class.  The instructor, Lisa, is a friend of Autumn's from high school and also a friend of Beth's.  I had cereal for breakfast.  We called Dan, my brother-in-law who lives in Mirmar Bech Florida.  A hurricane is headed in their direction.  He and Avery,

25 Sep 2024, Wednesday

 25 Sep 2024, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task 8:30 AM - Follow-up visit on cataract surgery from yesterday 10:30 AM - Debbie's Wellness check - Dr. Brad Gale, Lehi Great Clip - hair cut REI - Tate in shoe/boots deptartment Debbie and I had prayer and I went to see  Dr. Tyler Rawlins, OD, a follow-up visit for the surgery on my left eye for a cataract.  The assistant was the same I saw on Wednesday, September 11th, whose husband, Eric, served as a missionary in the ANM under President Field.  They tested the pressure on my left eye.  It was 32.  On my right eye the day after surgery it was 26.  The pressure today on the right eye, two weeks, after surgery is 8.  Dr. Rawlins up some drops in my left eye and before I left, the pressure had dropped to 26.   I came home and changed clothes and went to Great Clips and got my hair cut.  When I came home Debbie went to see Brad Gale, PA for her annual physical.  She had blood work done and scheduled appointments to see some specialists. 

24 Sep 2024, Tuesday

24 Sep 2024, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task 9:00 AM - Surgery on my left eye to remove the cataract,  Dr.  Aaron Waite M.D., did the surgery and Dr. Tyler Rawlins, OD did the follow-up tomorrow to make sure the new lens was positioned correctly and everything looked good        3 333 N. Digital Dr., Suite 300, Lehi UT. Cataract left eye.  phone  801-876-6000 email, Debbie set her alarm for 6 AM.  We had prayer together before she went to her weight training class.  I had my personal prayer, studied scriptures, showered, shaved, and had some toast for breakfast before going to my surgery on my left eye to remove the cataract and replace the lens.  Debbie came back and showed.  She went with me to have surgery on my eye so she could drive us home.  I arrive a little before 9 AM.  I paid $800 for the surgery on my Citi Bank Visa Card.  The surgery was basically the same as two weeks ago.  There was medicine put in my eye to deaden the pain, the eye leds was taped

23 Sep 2024, Monday

 23 Sep 2024, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task Call  Dr. C. Reese Davis  (801) 955-0071 about repairing a hiatal hernia - surgery scheduled Oct 10th for naval hernia surgery 8:50 AM - Debbie's dental appointment at Thanksgiving Dental 10:50 AM - Dr. Scott Stringham,D.D.S. appointment for cleaning teeth Thanksgiving Dental 3:30 - appointment to remove filling and crown cracked eye tooth I got up at 6 AM, had prayer, and got ready for the day.  Debbie stayed up late last night and got up at 7 AM.  We prayed together, and she got on the vibrating machine for 10 minutes, equivalent to an hour of walking.  Debbie went to her dental appointment at 8:50 AM.  I went to the Legacy Center and did some exercises and weights.  Later I ordered dental floss and electric toothbrush replacements on Amazon Prime which is supposed to be here on Wed. 25th before I drove to Thanksgiving Point Dental where Jami works as a hyginist and she cleaned my teeth after she had cleaned Debbie's.  They Xrayed

22 Sep 2024, Sunday

 22 Sep 2024, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task 8:00 AM - Set up chairs at Lehi 7th Ward building 9:00 AM - Sacrament meeting 10:30 AM - Church services at Abbington Memory Center I was up a little before 7 AM and had prayer.  I let Debbie sleep while I showered and shaved.  Before I left for church to set up the chairs we had prayer together.  I turned on the lights and opened the sliding partitions and started setting up chairs.   Brother Pyne was the first to show up and when the Ward Council meeting was over we had a large group helping.  I had almost 20 minutes to go home and pick up Debbie before the Sacarment Meeting.  President  Trey Weston Orsak of the Gateway Lehi Stake presided and released Bishop Chad Yates, and his counselors Jeffery Ackley and Dustin Bunderson.  Derek Soderquist was sustained as the new bishop of the Lehi 7th Wards and his counselors Clayton Grace and Tanner Willes, and their wives bore their testimonies.  Jeff Ackley was out of town but Valerie talked to hi

21 Sep 2024, Saturday

 21 Sep 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task I woke at 3:30 AM. I went back to sleep and woke at 5:30 AM.  I checked my text messages and Michael and Alex both texted me.  Alex hurt her knee and the girls in Carter's family can't go to Mt. Timpanogas.  They want to have breakfast at 8:30 AM and then climb up to Stewart Falls.  I sent Alex a text, saying that I would see her at 8:30 AM.  I had prayer and studied scriptures in the Book of Mormon.  I gathered and took the garbage in the house and emptied it in the container before taking them to the street.  Debbie saw from the Door Ring I had not left and she called.  She was on her way home.  Pat and Anndalyn had got back from Hawaii.  We had prayer and I drove to Alex and Carter's for breakfast. Michael met us and helped Alex and Carter fix breakfast.  My  hiatal hernia acted up for the first time in many months and I had a difficult time swolling.  After breakfast we  drove to the National Park at Aspin Grove Entrance. 

20 Sep 2024, Friday

 20 Sep 2024, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task 10:30 AM - Doug Smith Subaru service in American Fork Best Buy - charger cord for Patriots portable solar battery REI in Sandy - Protain bars and gator gummies I was up early, had prayer, called Debbie and she was leaving to take the children to school.  I got on the vibrating machine for 10 minutes before leaving to take the Outback to Subaru service in American Fork to replace the mudflap on the back rear passenger side.  I ate breakfast before leaving. I waited while the mudflap on rear passenger side was replaced and the bumping noise when I turned to the right and left was checked and repaired.  They replaced CV axles; the total charge on my Citi Bank Costoc Visa Card was $1347.04.  I drove up to REI in Sandy, UT just off I-15, and bought some items for nourishment and hydration for hiking tomorrow.  I got home, had dinner, packed for tomorrow, and got on the vibrating machine for another 10 minutes this afternoon.  I have not heard fro

19 Sep 2024, Thursday

 19 Sep 2024, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task Michael is spending the night in Lehi 1:30 PM - Saratoga Sprints Temple, endowment  Alex and Carter are cooking dinner for us this evening I was up at 7 AM and had prayer.  I put medicine in my right eye last night and this morning.  I had prayer with Michael before he left for work at 8 AM.  I called and talked to Debbie just before she left to take Ocie to school before 8:30 AM.  I paid credit card bills, had some breakfast, and had prayer with Debbie when she got back from taking Ocie to school.  I took the boxes for the vibrating machine Michael and I put together last night to the garage before I will break them down later and put them in the recycle containers to be taken off by the city.  I checked the water softener and I am still not sure it is working correctly.  I got on the vibrating machine and did some exercise on it for 10 minutes.  I went to the Legacy Center to do some more exercises.  I showered and cleaned up.  I kept th

18 Sept 2024, Wednesday

 18 Sep 2024, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task Michael is spending the night in Lehi Take the vibrating machine downstairs and assemble Debbie was up at 5:45 AM.  We had prayer together before she left for her runs to seminary and to school.  She put medicine in my right eye before she left.  I made the bed and packed my clothes to go back home.  Michael is spending the night with me at the house tonight.  I drove the Outback home.  The Tesla has 235 miles left on the charge.  Debbie is coming to the house tomorrow; if she needs to add some charge, she can do so.  I am taking the Outback to the Subaru service on Friday for a new mudflap. When I got home I unloaded the SUV and put things up.  I gathered some fruit and threw some that had fallen off the tree and become rotten away.  I went to Costco and filled the Outback with gas and bought some groceries and 8, 40 pound, bags of salt for the water softeners.  The power went off and I had to reset the time on the water softener.  I res

17 Sep 2024, Tuesday

 17 Sep 2024, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task Richard Clark's 78th Birthday Put the  Cinemark  theater pass back in the movie ticket file 10 AM - Doug Smith Subaru to get mud flap repaired on Outback Debbie and I were up early before 6 AM and had prayer.  We got ready for the day.  Debbie put medicine drops in my right eye.   Audrey's friend's parents took him. to school.  Debbie got breakfast for the children.  I sent Richard Clark, an old friend from Georgia a happy birthday text.  Debbie took Braddock to school at 8 AM.  Ellie and Ocie are still sleeping,   Camdon and Audrey are at school.  It is raining and it took Debbie a little longer to get back home.  I took the Subaru and drove to the house in Lehi.  I put the Cemtimax movie pass back in the file folder.  I made some copies for the Tesla dealer in Pleasant Grove in case I can get an appointment after getting the mud flap repaired on the rear wheel on the passenger side,  I drove to Doug Smith Subaru dealer for my

16 September 2024, Monday

 16 Sep 2024, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task Aura - PayPal, 2023 tax return in their documents about me.  I haven't used PayPal in years.  But my account is still active and they are keeping my personal information that I did not give them Tesla shop support - reply to email from Sunday (yesterday) Online different season's waffle-iron for Alex and Carter Debbie and I were up early this morning and had prayer.  Debbie took Autry to early morning seminary.  The children got off to school and I worked on email to Tesla ordering a 110 V charger for the Tesla.  When Debbie got back from taking the children to school she showed me a mud flap on the rear passenger side of the car that is coming loose.  I called Doug Smith Subaru and have an appointment to take it in tomorrow at 10 AM.  I called PayPal twice today.  My first call this morning resulted in the operator trying to get a supervisor to assist.  I waited 4 hours for a return phone call and when no one called I called back an

15 Sep 2024, Sunday

 15 Sep 2024, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task Watch. Pat and Anndalyn's children Gauses are in charge of church services at Abbington Memory Center today 8:00 AM - Skype with Mirco and Ljubica 9:00 AM - attend church with the children in their ward Bluffdale 4th 4:30 PM - Lora and George's for Libby Traveler's farewell party to Uganda Africa for 3 months to teach English (Emile and many of the family came) Debbie and I were up before 7 AM.  I had my personal prayer, showered, and shaved.  Debbie cooked breakfast for the children.  We had prayer together and Debbie got ready for church.  We got a text message from Ljubica Jelicic in Serbia and we Skiped with them on Debbie's computer.  The new mission president has organized the Novi Sad Branch with a young Roma as the Branch President.  They have about 4 Roma and 6 other members.  We encouraged Mirko and Ljubica to continue loving and helping all they can.  Their daughter, Bojana, is traveling an working outside of Serbi

14 Sep 2024, Satuday

14 Sep 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task 11:00 AM - the twins, London and Finley McEwin's baptism at the church at 1050 N 300 W, Mapleton, UT Debbie was up earlier than me, showered, and got ready.  We had prayer and she cooked breakfast.  I got two text, one from Alex and another from Michael.  Dalin and Alyssa, Autumn's younger brother and his wife, twins are being baptized this morning in Mapleton.  Randy Hobbs picked Braddock, his grandson, up at 7:30 AM and took him to meet his team and coach.  Debbie took some of the other children and went to his game at 9 AM.  I showered, shaved, got dressed, and drove to our home in Lehi.  I got mine and Debbie's temple clothes, picked up some more clothes for next week, and went to London and Finley's baptism at their ward building in Mapleton, south of Provo, Utah.  I had three choices today, climb Mt. Timpanogos with Jon and his son Tyler, married to Samantha Gourley, and other family members and friends carrying Emlie

13 Sep 2024, Friday

 13 Sep 2024, Friday Priorit ized Daily Task Nexium - cotton swabs  Blake's movie - "It Ends With Us". Megaplex Theatres Thanksgiving Point Times -  11:50am.  3:00pm.  6:20pm.  9:20pm Cinemark American Fork  715 West 180 North, American Fork, UT 84003 10:40am,  4:45pm,  9:15pm We were up at 6:45 AM.  Debbie showered and got ready; we had prayer and I showered, shaved, and got ready for the day.  Lyndan took Audrey to Seminary before Debbie.  Debbie got Ocie some breakfast and did home-schooling with her this morning.  Debbie took me to the house and I may have brought the vibrating machine and some of Jody's things she has ordered for Libby for her stay in  Uganda, Africa  for 3 months.  Debbie gave me a ticket to the movie theater to see Blake's movie.  Afterward, I drove over to Pat and Anndalyn's to help Debbie with the children.  Debbie fixed dinner and we had prayer and scripture study before going to bed.

12 Sep 2024, Thursday

 12 Sep 2024, Thursday Priorit ized Daily Task 10 AM - Call Costco Pharmacy Debbie was up early, we had prayer together, and she took Audry to early morning seminary.  Lyndan took Braddock to catch the school bus.  Ellie and Ocie fixed their lunch for school.  Debbie cooked breakfast.  Ocie used our shower in the master bedroom to shower and get ready for school.  Debbie took Ocie to school and met me at the house in Lehi.  I put the charger on the Tesler and we washed to bed linen on the Beds downstairs.  Michel and Matthew are coming next Wednesday and Thursday.  Jody may also be spending the night or be staying with Laura, her sister.  Libby, her daughter, is going to be gone for 3 months doing humanitarian service in South America, I think that is where she is going.  She needed mine and Debbie's electrical outlet adaptors.  Debbie and I went to the Costot store in Lehi and picked up my timolol maleate ophthalmic solution for glaucoma, pressure on my right eye.  We got a few gr

11 Sep 2024, Wednesday

 12 Sep 2024, Wednesday Priorit ized Daily Task Watch Patrick and Anndalyn's Children until Sat. 21 Sep 8:30 AM - Follow up from yesterday, Aaron Waite M.D., 3333 N. Digital Dr., Suite 300, Lehi UT. Cataract left eye.  phone  801-876-6000 email, Call Alex Take Ellie and Debbie to Audrey's football game I was up early, had prayer, packed for a few days while Debbie, and I are watching Pat and Anndalyn's children, Camdon, Ellie, Audrey, Braddock, and Ocie.  I had some crunchy peanut butter on toast and almond milk for breakfast.  I drove up to Digital Drive and saw Dr. Waite.  The assistant whose husband, Eric, served in the ANM under President Field.  She told him and his wife that she saw me at the clinic.  The test showed I had pressure building up in my right eye.  Dr Waite put some drops in my eye and sent a prescription to the Costco pharmacy.  My sight is a little cloudy in my right eye.  I called Testla and talked to Elder at the American Fork

10 Sep 2024, Tuesday

 10 Sep 2024, Tuesday Priorit ized Daily Task 9;00 AM - Dr.  Aaron Waite M.D., did the surgery and Dr. Tyler Rawlins, OD did the followup to make sure the new lens was positioned correctly and everything looked good                                                                          3 333 N. Digital Dr., Suite 300, Lehi UT. Cataract left eye.  phone  801-876-6000 email, Debbie and I had prayer; we showered and got ready for the day.  We ate a light breakfast and drove up to Dr. Waite and Dro Rawlins's office and surgery center.  I checked in and paid the amount for a single eye surgery that Medicare will not pay $800.00.  Michael called while we were waiting.  He was returning my call from Sunday when I was calling to check on him and his family.  We talked about Autumn and all the children, including Carter.  He will be up in Utah and spend the night with us next Wednesday and Thursday, Sep. 18th and 19th.  It took an hour or two from the time we arriv

9 Sep 2024, Monday

9 Sep 2024, Monday Priorit ized Daily Task President Russell M. Nelson's 100th Birthday Drive home to Lehi from Shelly Stop at Ryans in Wellsville and get some peaches.  We gave the ones he brought to us yesterday to Ely's family.   They have a large family and the children loved the peaches. 8:00 PM - Instruction from Pat and Anndalyn's schedule for children  Debbie and I both got up and had prayer.  We stripped the bed linen and Debbie took them and the towels downstairs and washed them before going with Karlene for a walk.  I showered and shaved even though there was very little water pressure in the shower.   Reed and his crew worked all night digging potatoes and were still loading them this morning.  I took a picture of them working and Karlene's pumpkin patch, which was saved.  I found the directions for my funeral arrangements I made in 2021.  I am tweaking them for NokBox, Next Of Kin Box.  When Debbie and Karlene got back.  I helped Karlene get the garbage to

8 Sep 2024, Sunday

 8 Sep 2024, Sunday Priorit ized Daily Task 10 AM - Gateway Stake Conference 10:30 AM - Church in Shelly Idaho 1:30 PM - Reed Searle's 70th Birthday Party I was up at 7 AM and had prayer.  Debbie got up a little little later and we had prayer together.  Karlene is still sleeping so we waited to shower so we would not wake her.   Karlene went to see the individuals she was assigned to meet with at the two Protestant churches about joining in a service project.  She gave them the information but they were not excited about joining with us in a service project.  Debbie and I ate a lite breakfast.  When she got home we all went to church.  Katie, Bracken, and the children sat with us.  The chapel, and cultural hall were full with some setting on the stage.  I think there were as many in the sacrament meeting as we had at some of the stake conferences I attended in Georgia.  A young man, Elder Christian, was returning from his mission back East.  One of the states in his mission was Mai

7 Sep 2024, Saturday

 7 Sep 2024, Saturday Priorit ized Daily Task Swan Valley with Ryan and Karlene Gateway evening session of Stake Conference 2:00 PM - Jeff Schrade's  65th Birthday Party, 161 Fairway Cir, Pocatello at Anita, his mother's home 7:00 AM - Eastern Idaho State Fair,  Tortatoes twisted potatoes with garlic and  parmesan cheese with limeade  Debbie purchased a VBX Wellness machine, a vibrating platform for circulation, strength, pain relief, and flexibility at the fair.   The vibrating machine will be shipped next week.  It has handles to hold on to, it is stronger, heavier, and more safe than mine at home. Lisa, the salesperson, gave Debbie her personal phone number 608-385-0459.  The company phone number is 952-884-0326.   www.vbxwellness.con. sale price $3,600 includes shipping Note: Anita, Debbie's Aunt, her oldest son Jeff Schrade's 65th birthday party in Pocatello at Anita and Bill's home (Lois a sister, John a brother, and Chris a brother were there. Jeff's son